2021 ASNEngr Research and Development Grant : Call for Proposals

American Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr) invites proposals for Research and Development Grant. Proposals can be submitted by students, faculty or engineers by November 1, 2021. Research projects could be a part of a senior capstone project, thesis, or independent projects in any topics relevant to any field of engineering and computer science. Applicants can request either one or both, technical and financial support. The financial award provides up to USD 4,000 to applicants who are currently working on or would like to start research projects.

Proposals was due on ​​Monday, November 1, 2021, 11:59 pm U.S. eastern time(CLOSED). 

Award recipient will be notified by January 15, 2022.


For more information and submission instruction visit our Research and Development Collaboration page.

