Ajaya Dhakal

2021 ASNEngr Research and Development Grant : Call for Proposals

American Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr) invites proposals for Research and Development Grant. Proposals can be submitted by students, faculty or engineers by November 1, 2021. Research projects could be a part of a senior capstone project, thesis, or independent projects in any topics relevant to any field of engineering and computer science. Applicants can

2021 Conference Proceedings are Available Now

Proceedings of 14th ASNEngr Annual Conference  is available now. ASNEngr’s 14th annual conference took place on August 14-15, 2021 (virtual) with the theme of “Fostering technology development for shared benefits”.   Please click this link to access the proceedings 

ASNEngr Health Tele-Consultation

ASNEngr  has partnered  with ANMF, ANMF Nepal, Nepal Medical Association to provide tele-consultation for home isolation patients.  The project is needed because the home isolated patient will get easy service with having difficulty to visit the hospitals and try and reach out to the specialist doctors. The tele-consultation center will entertain calls of patient who
